Sunday, December 29, 2019

Commonly Confused Words Confidant and Confident

Dont confuse the nouns confidant and confidante with the adjective confident.   Definitions The noun confidant  refers to a person (usually a trusted friend, family member, or associate) to whom secrets or private matters are freely disclosed. A confidant may be either male or female. A confidante is female.   The adjective confident means certain, bold, or self-assured. Examples He was my soul mate, my confidant, my hedge against loneliness. I needed him. I felt lost without him.(Betty Berzon, Surviving Madness. University of Wisconsin Press, 2002)Eleanor began to shed her timidity. On her honeymoon in Switzerland, she had feared scaling the peaks and watched as Franklin marched off with a glamorous hat maker. Now she hiked mountains with long, confident strides, outpacing everyone else.(Joseph E. Persico, Franklin and Lucy. Random House, 2007)Going past the room occupied by the young missionary, I smiled upon his door, which was shut, confident that he was inside hard at prayers.(J.F. Powers, Death of a Favorite. The New Yorker, 1951) Usage Notes Today the forms confidant and confidante predominate in both American English and British English, though confidante is falling into disuse because of what is increasingly thought to be a needless distinction between males and females. Despite the poor etymology, one can be confident in using confidant (/kon-fi-dahnt/) for either sex, as it is predominantly used in American writing.(Bryan A. Garner,  Garners Modern English Usage, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2016)Confidant(e)/Confident. As with all words ending with ant/ent, the former is a noun and the latter an adjective:  He was so confident, he did not need a confidant in whom to confide his fears.(John Seely, Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking. Oxford University Press, 2013) Practice (a) Congressional leaders stood in a little cluster, wearing the aggressively _____ expressions that politicians put on when they face a pack of reporters. (b) My mother is my best friend and _____. Answers to Practice Exercises: Confidant and Confident (a) Congressional leaders stood in a little cluster, wearing the aggressively confident expressions that politicians put on when they face a pack of reporters.(b) My mother is my best friend and confidant (or confidante).

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rape Is A Universal And Inhumane Act Essay - 2041 Words

The term rape culture was created by the feminist movement of the 1970s, which was during the second wave of the feminist effort; It is used to depict any society that normalizes rape and perverse rape culture. The fear of being raped lives in the back of almost every woman’s mind. Although it has been present in society for decades, nothing has been done to eradicate this behavior. To eliminate this culture generations of children have grown up in, one must first understand the causes of it. Rape is a universal and inhumane act that has been integrated into the current culture; it has occurred because of prevalent psychological factors, the media’s hypersexualization, and lack of legislation. There are inconspicuous elements that contribute to this atrocity; the motives of a rapist effect the rape in a variety of aspects, and impact the victim in even more ways. Sexual assaults occur because of the psychological factors present between the rapist and the victim. The motive that a rapist has is undoubtedly a factor that has contributed to the perpetuated act of rape. When a man rapes a woman, it is often because he is attempting to reassure his masculinity and dominance. As men are seen by society to have an insufficient masculinity, they â€Å"rape to compensate for [their] perceived inadequacies relating to [their] male identity and [their] failure to adhere to the socially defined ideal male type† (Jamel 292). Consequently, men are likely to rape women when society views themShow MoreRelatedEssay on Literary Analysis: Some Moral Minima866 Words   |  4 Pagestruth, abhorrence of theft, and rejection of adultery which where are worthy of universal support. (Goodman, 2010, p. 89). Goodman, then goes on to listing four areas of relativism and morals in which he feels are just wrong and should be eliminated. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Necklace Compared to The Star Essay Example For Students

The Necklace Compared to The Star Essay The story The Star, which was written in 1970s, is trying to say that we need to understand the truth of our fate rather than put on blinders and quit refusing everything else that we dont want to see. In the story The Necklace written by Guy De Maupassant the woman worked herself to the bone for ten years trying to pay off the debt used to pay for the necklace she lost at the ball. The woman in this story is a poor pretty woman who thought she deserved a better life than one that she already had. The main character in this story is a woman named Louis, the daughter of simple working class man. Both stories include a sub theme of a hope for a better life, in which all men were created equal and all the ugly injustices in the world would cease to exist. But the cold hard fact is that we humans have this innate sense of optimism, which blocks our thinking for reality, because without it we would have no reason for living. In the case of the woman in the story The necklace the object being the necklace which she eventually loses and tries to replace. Instead of hiding the truth and facing the music, which was harder, to take than when she lied. The old adage which says, What a tangled web weave when we first start to deceive. We humans cant handle the truth. We think we know what is the truth. What that really is just bullshit. Its arrogance-playing tricks on our minds making us think we are in control of our lives. If we really were in control of our lives then why cant we control every little aspect of it that gives discomfort? Because we cant, because we dont know how, and eventually the truth will show that is we dont what the truth really is. Using the slippery slope logic one can conclude that the two stories are more similar than they are different but because the assignment at hand requires for me to compare and contrast in an illustrative manner then I guess I should start. In the story the Star the setting is on a rocket ship with astronauts and the setting in the necklace is old France in the late 1970s. The Star is a science fiction story while the necklace is an illustrative story. In the necklace the story is told from the third people point of view compared to the Stars point of view is in the first person. The necklace discusses the social classes distinction in detail while in the star is describes the Astrology in detail. The person who wrote the necklace was French was illustrative the author of the star was clearly American. The main focus of the story is based on the importance of having money while the star is about the survival of the fittest. The similarities in both stories include that both deal with theme of hope. One is more graphic in the account of survival as portrayed in the star but the details in how the girl had to work hard in how each detail in her work day was shown through words was illustrative. Both deal with the issue of false pretense that living a certain life would bring true happiness, which in both case should that it didnt. The dismal setting Star is in contrast with the grandeur at which the Necklace is played out. The false hope that we control our own destiny is both misinterpreted by everyone. That is why these two stories, which are about two different subjects, seem to have the same effect on a person, which is depression. .